For five years, MIHCA has participated and won in a number of prestigious competitions, both locally and internationally, such as the Philippine Barista Competition, the Food and Hotel Asia Culinary Competition and the Hong Kong International Culinary Classics and come away with honours and medals galore – including a record breaker in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Here is a rundown of MIHCA’s awards:
Chefs on Parade :
L'ASSIETE D'OR for attaining the highest overall ranking points awarded to a team amongst a group of contenders in the GOLD Level in the Filipino Market Basket Category
DIPLOMA: Continental Category
National Food Showdown: Gold - Amuse Bouche
Gold - Seafood Platter
Gold - The Main Course
Gold - Coffee Concoction
Silver - Napkin Folding
Bronze - Baby Cakes
Diploma - The Soup Kitchen
Diploma - Table Setting
Diploma - The Apprentice
Grand Culinary Challenge: Silver - Table Set-up Category
Bagged 7 medals in the Hong Kong International Culinary Classics
Philippine Barista Competition: Overall Champion
Best in Signature Drink
Philippine Culinary Cup: Gold - US Poultry Category
Bronze - US Beef Category
Bronze - Local Seafood Category
Bronze - Australian Lamb Category
National Food Showdown: 1st Place - Cooking It Up by Magnolia
Bronze - Happy Hour
Bronze - Main Course
Bronze - Amuse Bouche
2nd Place - Magnolia Free Range Chicken
3rd Place - Sarangani Bay Chinese Style Feast Challenge
Diploma - The Apprentice
Diploma - Flairtending: The Master Bartender
Diploma - Desser Flambe: It's Showtime
Diploma - Plated Desserts
Bagged 11 medals in the Food and Hotel Culinary Competition held in Singapore
Philippine Barista Competition: Overall Champion
Philippine Barista Competition: Best in Signature Drink
1st Philippine Culinary Cup: Silver - Local fish and Seafoods
Silver - Pralines and Petit Fours
Silver - Young Pastry Chef Chocolate Cake
Bronze - Wedding Cakes Display
Bronze - Local fish and Seafoods
Bronze - Young Chefs Team Challenge
Top Quality Awards Asia: Best Culinary and Hospitality Training Provider
Guinnes Book of World Records Award for preparing 5,845 cheese dishes in one day
Philippine Barista Competition - 2nd Runner Up
Philippine Barista Competition - Best Signature Drink
Bakery Fair '09: 1st and 2nd Place for Cakefest - Fondant Category
Bakery Fair '09: 3rd Place for Cakefest - Sugar Arts Category
National Food Showdown: Overall Winner Compleat Chefs
MAFBEX Competition: 1st Place - Besi in Table Set-up
National Food Showdown: 2nd Place - 30-Minute Meal Challenge
National Food Showdown: Ultimate Chef Warrior - Chefs Wars Freestyle