Content: Privacy and Confidentiality

Category: Privacy Policy
Title: Privacy and Confidentiality
Body: Magsaysay Center for Hospitality and Culinary Arts (collectively "MIHCA"
or "we" or "our") are committed to maintaining the privacy
of users who access our Web site (the "Site"). This Privacy Policy
Statement (the "Privacy Policy") explains the types of information we
gather and what we do with it. By using the Site, you agree to the terms and
policies described in this Privacy Policy. 

1. Information Collected on the Site   

MIHCA does not request or require any information from anonymous visitors to
the Site. We collect personal information only from those users who wish to
conduct business transactions on the Site and who have registered on the Site
("Registered Users"). Personal information means information about an
identifiable individual and may include your name, address, telephone and fax
number, e-mail address, financial information, such as a credit card number and
employment-related information, such as may be found on a resume or job
application.  Personal information does not include business contact
information (e.g. office address, telephone number) in those jurisdictions
which do not recognize such information as being personal information. 
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any User id which
may be assigned to you, as well as any account number, account name, or
passwords, if applicable, for the services you utilize through the Site.

MIHCA needs the information Registered Users supply for (a) personal
identification, (b) to allow us to contact you for service(s) or opportunities
as requested by you, such as customer service or information about a job
opportunity if you have submitted a resume on-line, (c) to make improvements to
materials or products offered on the Site and to the Site in general, and (d)
to enable Registered Users to access the functionalities described on the Site,
including without limitation, tracking shipments, viewing outstanding charges ,
applying for employment, and obtaining other user-specific information. Your
e-mail address is collected to send you an e-mail message confirming your new
member registration as well as confirmations for other services you transact
with MIHCA on-line. In addition, we may use such information (i) for
demographic profiling, ad targeting, statistical analysis, to conduct surveys
and similar marketing activities; (ii) to investigate violations of either its
Privacy Policy or its "Terms of Use"; and (iii) to notify Registered
Users about important changes to the Site or promotions or opportunities You
may always decline to receive these messages by following the process to opt
out as described below or as described within a particular message.


We will deactivate accounts of Registered Users that have been inactive for an
extended period of time. Registered Users may access and change their
information at any time via the Site as described in Section 7 below.

2. Use of Cookies and Log Files   

The Site does not use persistent or stored cookies; however, it does use temporary
or per-session cookies. Temporary or per-session cookies act as a randomly
generated session ID; they last only while the Registered User is logged onto
the Web site, and are cancelled at the end of the session (i.e., the Registered
User logs out of the Site or closes their Web browser program). The Site uses
temporary cookies for security purposes. Each time a Registered User logs onto
the Site, the Site server generates a temporary session ID, which it associates
with the user's login name, password and computer during that particular
session. This allows the Registered User to move from page to page in the Site
during a specific session, without having to re-enter the user login name
and/or password. The temporary cookie allows the Site server to continuously
verify that the user is a permitted user as the user moves from page to page
during a specific session. When the Registered User logs out of the Site the
temporary session ID is cancelled, and is removed from the temporary memory of
the user's computer; and the association in the Site server between the
temporary session ID and the specific user login name and password is also


We also use log files for anonymous site usage analysis. A "log
file" is a data file that records a Registered User's activity while using
the Site.

3. Security    

MIHCA stores information received from Registered Users on secure computers.
Only a small number of MIHCA employees and/or contractors of ours have physical
access to these computers. We use firewalls and other security technology to
prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons.


While we have taken measures to protect Registered Users' information,
please know that (i) no computer system is immune from intrusion; and (ii) information
transmitted to the Site may need to pass through many systems in order to
process such information. Therefore, MIHCA cannot guarantee the absolute
security or confidentiality of information transmitted to the Site.

4. Provision of Information to Others     

When you submit personal information through this Site, you understand and
agree that this information may be transferred across national boundaries and
may be stored and processed in any of the countries in which MIHCA
transact business, including, without limitation, the Philippines. You also
acknowledge that in certain countries or with respect to certain activities,
the collection, transferring, storage, and processing of your information may
be undertaken by our trusted vendors. Such vendors are bound by contract not to
use your personal information for their own purposes and to treat the
information as confidential.


MIHCA has established relationships with various service providers whose
services are available to you from this Site or from Web sites that are linked
to this Site or who support MIHCA by providing services which are transparent to you.
Typically, these providers offer services that MIHCA customers might find
useful, such as those that can be used in tandem with our products and
 services. In order to use those services, you may be required to provide
personal information to the providers. Unless expressly provided to the
contrary, personal information that you provide while you are visiting a
provider's Web site will be subject to the privacy policy posted on such site,
and personal information that you provide while on this Site in conjunction
with a provider's service will be subject to this Privacy Policy. You should be
aware that our agreements with these service providers often provide that they
will share with our personal information collected from you. In such instances,
we may use this information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.


When ordering products or services on the Site, you may be asked to provide
a credit card number. Depending upon the activity, some of the information that
we ask you to provide is identified as mandatory and some as voluntary. If you
do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you
will not be able to engage in that activity.

If MIHCA sells assets (or the assets of a division or subsidiary) to another
entity, or MIHCA
(or a division or subsidiary) is acquired by, or merged with, another entity,
we may provide to such entity customer information that is related to that part
of our business that was sold to or merged with the other entity without your

Other than as described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise specifically
communicated to you by Magsaysay, Magsaysay does not provide information
supplied by users to any third parties, except where law, court order, or
governmental authority requires or based upon the good faith belief that
disclosure is necessary including, without limitation, to protect the rights of
when we have reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary to
identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing
interference with our rights or causing harm to third parties.

5. Links to Other Sites    

The Site may contain links to Web sites other than our own and for which we are
not responsible. Such Web Sites may collect personal information from you.
These Web sites may send their own cookies to you, and may collect information
and use it in a way inconsistent with our Privacy Policy. In such instances,
unless expressly provided to the contrary, the collection and use of your
personal information will be governed by the privacy policy applicable to that
Web site which should identify the entity that is collecting your personal information. 
Unless MIHCA
explicitly states otherwise, such references in no way indicate our
endorsement, recommendation or preference of any such products, services or
information contained on any other site. 

6. Additional Information     

MIHCA may alter, update or otherwise change this Privacy Policy at any time to
reflect material changes in the way MIHCA uses your information. Any
such changes will be posted on this page. You should periodically check this
Privacy Policy to review the current terms and guidelines applicable to your
use.  Your continued use of the Site following the posting of such changes
will indicate your full acceptance of those changes.

7. Updating Your Personal Information, Opt Out Policy     

At any time, you can access and correct your personal information and privacy
preferences, including exercising your right to unsubscribe as a Registered
User of the Site by utilizing the “Contact Us” page. As a Registered User, you
will occasionally receive e-mail messages from us as described in Section 1
above. If you would prefer not to receive these messages you may opt out by
following the instructions within the e-mail message, changing your preferences
or (for Portside related emails) by contacting us at  MIHCA reserves the right to limit
certain services to Registered Users who will accept e-mail messages.

8. Contact Us     

Not complied with this Privacy Policy with respect to your personal information
or you have other related inquiries or concerns, you may write to MIHCA at
the following address:

Data Protection Officer

Magsaysay Center for Hospitality and Culinary Arts

3rd Floor, Times Plaza Building

UN Avenue corner Taft Avenue

Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000 

Tel No.: (02)5249996

Email Address:

In your letter, please describe in as much detail as possible the nature of
your inquiry or the ways in which you believe that the Privacy Policy has not
been complied with so that we may investigate your inquiry. You may also send
us an email at

Please note that if you provide MIHCA with inconsistent privacy preferences
(for example, by indicating on one occasion that third parties may contact you
with marketing offers and indicating on another occasion that they may not), MIHCA
cannot guarantee that your most recent privacy preference will be honored.





This site is protected by the intellectual property laws on copyright and
trademarks of the Republic of the Philippines. All rights reserved and any
unauthorized use, imitation, appropriations or other acts of infringement,
whether directly or indirectly, are strictly prohibited and shall be subject to
both civil and criminal prosecution.


Information on this website as provided is shown. MIHCA disclaims
any and all warranties, expressed and implied, including but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and

Use of the information and features on this website are at your sole risk. MIHCA
will in no event be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect,
consequential, incidental or other damages under any theory of law for any
errors in the information and features on this site, or for the use of any
information or features available on this site, including but not limited to,
damages for lost profits, business, data, or damage to your computer systems
even if you have advised MIHCA of the possibility of such

are links in this site which allow you to visit the sites of other companies.
Neither these sites nor the companies to whom they belong are controlled by MIHCA
makes no representations concerning the information provided in these sites nor
the quality or acceptability of the products or services offered by the
companies referenced in these sites. MIHCA has not tested
and makes no representations regarding the correctness, performance or quality
of any software found at these sites. It is your responsibility to research and
assess the risks, which may be involved in accessing and using any software on
the internet before using it.
MIHCA does not accept ideas, concepts, or
techniques for new services or products through its web site. If such
information is received, it will not be considered confidential and MIHCA
will be deemed free to use, communicate and exploit such
information in any manner it chooses.

Created at 10/31/2012 9:20 AM by Rainier G. Mendiola
Last modified at 4/3/2019 3:47 PM by Jacqueline M. Timola
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