Content and Structure Reports: Going Live Within Next Seven Days

Report Title: Going Live Within Next Seven Days
Resource Id: SmtAllLiveDocs
Resource Id: SmtLiveDocsReportDescription
CAML List Type:
CAML Query: <Where><And><Leq><FieldRef ID="{51d39414-03dc-4bd0-b777-d3e20cb350f7}"></FieldRef><Value Type="DateTime">[Today + 7]</Value></Leq><Geq><FieldRef ID="{51d39414-03dc-4bd0-b777-d3e20cb350f7}"/><Value Type="DateTime"><Today /></Value></Geq></And></Where>
Target Audiences:
Report Description: All documents and pages that will be published and visible to readers within the next seven days in this site and subsites

Created at 5/22/2012 8:47 AM by System Account
Last modified at 5/22/2012 8:47 AM by System Account
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